Piebald Peacock Beauty - oil painting (unframed)


Original oil Painting on canvas

24 x 31 inches x 1.5 inch

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Original oil Painting on canvas

24 x 31 inches x 1.5 inch

Original oil Painting on canvas

24 x 31 inches x 1.5 inch

The Magnificent Piebald Peacock

The magnificent piebald peacock,

sweeps its feathery plume.

Fairy dusted tail feathers,

fan out in an iridescent bloom.

Rounds, ovals, and rings,

intersperse over feathery spread,

He struts and preens proudly,

with a small, tiny head.


This chimaera is so marvellous,

a magical beautiful thing.

Something enchanted,

illusionary, an improbable King

With ostentatious dress,

and a crown upon his head.

A breast partly white,

with bright tail-feathers spread.


The feathery irregular patches,

against a background of white.

The male peafowl parades,

glorious, but with little flight.

The Indian pied peafowl 

carries this extra colour gene,

A pattern excelling to gold,

blue, white, and green.


Representing the sun’s rays,

at the beginning of the day.

This peacock shows innocence,

in a magnificent display.

He is perfection transformed,

a creature of astonishing light,

Delicately ethereal,

Splotched speckles of white.


With feathers like an angel’s,

he walks like a thief.

The peacock may be beautiful,

but has big, ugly feet!

With a tail made of moons,

stars, and all-seeing eyes,

His dignified splendour,

will always surprise.


With his voice like a train rattle,

vibrating through the air.

His ear-piercing laugh,

makes the plain peahens stare.

With rings on his tail feathers

and talons on his toes,

He will have admirers,

wherever he goes.

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